Monday, February 12, 2007

Department of Homeland Security – The Good, Bad and the Ugly

Interesting that a Clint Eastwood film could so easily describe our Department of Homeland Security.

The Good: The department of Homeland Security has some really good people, trying to protect this country and who do their jobs responsibly.

The Bad: The department of Homeland Security does some really bad and stupid things like convicting two agents for doing their job, supporting illegal immigration policies on the Mexican border, and lying to Congress. If you or I lied to Congress or to Homeland Security, for that matter, right now we would be in jail. Remember Martha Stewart et al? Most people are convicted of lying to the justice department not for the crime for which they are being investigated. The personal interests, may I even say corruption, of the higher officials and politicians responsible for controlling Homeland Security too often take precedence over the good of the country and the direction given by the voters. Homeland Security officials have justified their actions by saying that they will not bow to the populous movement.

Just for clarity, the populous movement means the will of the people, the electorate. Yes this is you and me. Individuals in Homeland Security believe that the government should operate as they want it to, not following the desires of the people. I guess, WE THE PEOPLE, are too dumb to know what we want our government to do.

The Ugly: The department of Homeland Security does some really ugly things like losing 12+ billion dollars in Iraq and looking the other way over problems at the core of their responsibilities like port and border security just so the corporations can make a few extra bucks.

Now the politicians want a terror war tax. Why? Why are we thinking about raging war across the world when we are not capable of securing our own borders.

We would not have a terror war in the first place if we remembered that the electorate is made of living and breathing people and not of corporations. We do not need to raise taxes, we need to cut out the corporations from our political process. We need to put People back in “WE THE PEOPLE.”

Without the people, “This Land is our Land”, is not a true statement. Without the populous movement, there is no one to fight the wars or pay taxes. Perhaps the populous movement is important. The United States has lost its identity. Homeland Security seems to be an organization designed to protect corporate interests, not the people of the United States. There is good in Homeland Security perhaps we can take the good people and free them from a corrupt organization allowing them to do their jobs. We must require that our elected officials concentrate on holding responsible those corrupt individuals involved in advancing their personal agenda over the will of the people. We must require that these individuals go to jail, just as you or I would. We must remember that justice is blind and that equality is not just about color.


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