Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Great Nation – Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – Education

The US is a Great Nation”, meaningless and empty words spewed by corrupt politicians. Just as Hitler and Mussolini rallied the masses, crying in the streets, “We are number 1! It is our destiny to create a new World Order!” our politicians use sensationalist phrases about who we are and what our responsibilities are to the rest of the world. All this while the take kickbacks from corporations to render the American people nothing more than cattle to be driven and slaughtered at the pleasure of Corporate America.

In our family of citizens of the United States there are the powerful and the masses. The powerful become more powerful while the meek ever more desperate. A great nation is a free nation. Freedom can only occur through education and culture because education removes the advantages of wealth and allows all family members to compete freely without advantages. Yes, the wealthy will always have the advantages of established relationships, businesses and financial backing but an intelligent educated poor man can compensate for these things with drive and tenacity.

The first thing an occupying power does when it wants to dominate a people is destroy the libraries and educational institutions while creating sufficient poverty to require the newly dominated people to dedicate all of their energies to survival without the possibility of improving their situation. Corporate America, with the complicity of our politicians, has been successful in doing this without burning the libraries but raising costs for higher education while reducing wages has had the same affect.

In the rest of the world there is discussion of brain drain. Not because the best minds are coming to the US instead because there are a certain number of people who accessed the public education system. Yes, university is free in most developed nations, are taking jobs with American companies. They can work for less than US educated workers because they do not have $200,000 of debt for University training. Countries are now talking about taxing the companies who access their citizens for the cost of the University.

So we can easily see the influence of corporate America on our politics. Making money on a large scale is not about having a great product instead it is about getting someone else to pay for the cost of doing business. We see it with Walmart and we see it at Microsoft. In different ways but the trick is always to get someone else to pay for the costs.

Are we a great nation?

Can we consider the United States in the same category as countries that provide equal opportunities for its youth?

Just because someone screams at the top of their lungs how good they are does not mean they are actually any good. It simply means that they must compensate for their lack of reasonable argumentation by shouting. If a tree produces lemons it is a lemon tree no matter what it was sold as. Can a nation that does not guarantee equal access to education ever consider itself great?


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, education is a huge subject. Access to education is one thing. Quality of education is another big issue (see traditional vs OBE). Cost of education is another factor that affects access to education. Education vs training as Jim Belshaw has touched upon is very relevant as well.
My slant on this issue is that Education has become just another commodity to be sold to those wealthy enough to afford it.
I like your observation of how corporations are using the resources (educated people) of other countries without any financial obligation towards the country bearing the cost of educating it's citizens.
In Australia, we sell education to foreign students (education as a commodity) while suffering a shortage of doctors and other skilled professions, including a chronic shortage of trades people. What is the solution offered? Import them!

12:41 PM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen I agree that the quality of education is a problem and needs to be addressed. I also believe that University is not the appropriate choice for all, in fact apprenticeships would be better education for 60% of the working force but before being able to take on the quality I think we need to eliminate the distortions in a global market.

Free Market requires that all costs be associated to a product otherwise the Free Market system is a total and complete failure. In the thought of a "great nation" a country that does not pay for education of all and yet allows corporate entities, even encourages, to increase supply from countries that do subsidize education is, in fact, undermining the long term stability of the country's economic system, thus failing it's only mandate, to represent the best interest of the voting citizen.

6:54 AM  

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