Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Great Nation – Selling out the family for personal gain

In the discussion of what makes a great nation there are different ideas. Depending on what perspective we use looking at how a country acts can give us very different conclusions. What is not a topic of debate is what characteristics a country would have that make it impossible for that nation to be considered great. Before a country can think about taking on world hunger, injustice and democracy a country must be sure it has resolved those problems at home, in the family.

It is important to accept what a country is made of. A country is made of citizens, people just like you and me. Any other entity just does not count. This concept is supported by the fact that corporations, partnerships or lobbying entities cannot vote. A government, to be great, must resolve the necessities of the voters. Right along the basic services of equal healthcare and education opportunities for all citizens, a nation must protect its members from hostile environments. What would we say of the father who chooses to move his family with young children into an area known to have drug wars on the streets even though he could easily afford to live elsewhere.

The father, in this case, exposes his children to undue risk to their life and well being. When he makes this decision because he receives cheaper sexual favors from the local prostitute his actions are even more deplorable. He is making choices with his children’s safety and future opportunities for personal gain. Most likely a man like this would lose his children and face some type of criminal prosecution for endangerment.

When our politicians enact laws that favor predatory practices by companies and financial institutions that are clearly against the financially disadvantaged our country is doing just this. Usury has been condemned over the ages. The Islamic religions even prohibit charging of interest. To think that we consider the radical Muslims as really bad people yet, they prohibit not just usury but all interest charges. You say, “it is not the same. They blow people up!” The method of destruction is different but the results are the same. Banks ruin people’s lives, creating situations where children do not eat or get appropriate education. Our soldiers and their families are targeted by these vultures. It is well known that our government does not respect its obligations to the military.

Credit card companies have contractual clauses that are considered illegal and illegitimate in most every nation without a dictator. Our government thinks that corporations and financial institutions are more important than the voters. In their eyes this is surely true. I can say with confidence that a country that not only allows but sanctions usury can never be considered a great country no matter what it does in the rest of the world. We talk about national security but we all know that tensions are created when the people are not treated with respect and desperation sets in. In this light, the war on terrorism should be focused inside our country. We should be taking on those who create the conditions for desperate acts by people who have nothing to lose. We must take on the corporations, and the financial institutions. Yes, dear politician, the same people slipping you that big fat check under the table!

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