Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Border Patrol Agent Assaulted in Jail – Why are we so confused?

One of the Border Patrol Agents recently convicted for shooting an illegal immigrant smuggling drugs across the border from Mexico was savagely beaten in prison over the weekend. Most Americans are amazed that these agents were convicted of any wrongdoing. Most Americans believe that the agents should have been allowed to remain free while they appeal the ruling. Most Americans do not understand why there is not a retrial, since 4 jurors stated they were coerced by the jury foreman. Most Americans do not understand why the President will not Pardon the agents even though the President is pardoning drug smugglers and the likes. Most Americans do not understand why the congressional pardon is taking months to get voted on.

While I am saddened for the agents and embarrassed by the way our representatives are not representing us perhaps this is a good thing. You see, most Americans believe that the justice system’s primary directive is to find the truth. That anyone accused surely is guilty, with a few exceptions. Most Americans believe that our elected representatives actually are interested in serving the public. Finally, most Americans believe in the institutions, the flag and the country.

Perhaps this is the wake-up call for most Americans. The justice system is out to convict YOU, not to find the truth. Our elected representatives are only interested in filling THEIR own pockets at YOUR expense. The Public Servant is not serving the public. Finally, the institutions are rotten to the core, the flag has lost its meaning through corruption and collusion between government and business and country will lose its relevance in the world if we do not take our country back.

Do you believe what politicians say? Do you believe the government data that the cost of living has only increased 2.5% this year? Do you agree that the government needs to break its contractual agreements with those who have paid into social security all their life? Do you believe that it is your responsibility to protect the corporation’s interests around the world while your neighbors die because they cannot afford health insurance? Do you believe that there are children born into this nation who are more valuable than others?

America while you are going to church on Sunday, please think about what our country has come to represent and remember that a nation is the face of a people.

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Blogger jakejacobsen said...

Hey SBU,

We're getting ready to start up a new illegal immigration blogburst. If you're interested shoot me an email and I'll get you the info.


10:20 PM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Jake I would love to participate but am not sure which email to use.

9:31 AM  

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