Monday, January 08, 2007

A Great Nation – A Family

Our legislation based on English Common Law which in turn maintains many concepts of Roman Law. In most current Italian law and in much of English Common law the words “with the diligence of a good father of a family” indicate common sense, lack of knowing negligence, and acting in “good faith”. Our nation is a family. Our government, therefore our elected representatives, are our parents. They decide how much of our earnings we are able to keep, allowance, they decide how the family budget will be spent, they decide if the family will assume debt and they determine what activities the family. We the people are simply the children. Our lives nothing more than interludes in the concept of the nation family. We can go and play whatever we want as long as we bring money to the family coffers, taxes.

If we ever disrespect our parents, we are severely punished, usually by going to prison. Just think if you tell a judge he is in conflict of interest, or perhaps you enforce written law even though your parents told you to act differently like the border patrol agents. If the family decides to go to war and there are not enough members willing to fight and possibly die, our parents will choose, perhaps with a lottery, they might even call it a draft. Just as your biological family tells you not wash the dirty laundry in public, those of us who criticize the status quo are ostracized.

Our nation is a family. It is not a democracy. Our freedoms have been usurped by corrupt politicians and corporations influence in the government’s agenda taking the role of Father Master. For a nation to be great it must have a government that reflects the citizens idea of how the country should be run.

To be a great nation we must eliminate the role of FATHER MASTER, selling his children into virtual slavery to fund his vices. The family must take the role to allow each member to pursue happiness, develop their talents and respect the other members of the family.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, your metaphor of Father/Master sounds more like a Monarch than the leader of a democracy. Has modern democracy really become what is first set out to replace? That's a chilling thought indeed. If I think about America, I can say that not having compulsory voting is the problem. But, in Australia, with compulsory voting, the situation isn't that different. In both countries political parties are held hostage by the donations of big corporations, are led by the nose by lobby groups seeking self-interest agendas, while the electorate is given a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee political parties that they can vote for. Democracy might be in stalemate, but for this to change, there has to be a shift in the power base back to the voters. Since all radical changes in ideological,political,economic philosophy emerge from the intellectual class, it is up to them to instigate a change since they have the influence and access to politicians. For example, John Maynard Keynes influenced a change in economic policy and strategy which lasted until Milton Friedman came along and created a new paradigm shift towards monetary policy, the free market and de-regulation.

1:23 AM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen Interestingly your association of a Monarchy finds further support in the real life US government. Political Nobles have been created. I have often asked "how is it possible that with 300 million people to choose from we elect a father-son president and future elections will propose the wife of a former president?"

In State politics the reign of Senator or Congressman is passed from father to son. I think that if it looks, tastes, and smells like a feudal system, then it most likely is a feudal system.

The US is not a Democracy instead it is a representative Republic. Which means the people can vote for one of the two Noble courts but cannot actually influence the direction of policy.

While I do believe that thinking people can influence popular opinion (meaning at each level of society they may gain or lose consensus) the people with the bucks actual make changes because, after all, all the citizen has to offer is a vote for someone who will then do whatever he thinks is in his own best interest and not in the interest of those who voted for him.

6:36 AM  

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