Friday, December 22, 2006

The Economy is Tanking – I have a job, does it matter?

The most recent economic data clearly shows that the United States’ economy is in a serious contraction and yet inflation remains a worry. At the same time most of our mass media supports the Administration’s vision that everything is fine, that jobs are plentiful and we need to forge on with additional tax cuts, subsidies for Corporate America to produce goods offshore and to flood the US labor pool with illegal aliens. Notwithstanding our worldwide allies of Russia and China doing just the opposite.

We continue to spend money spreading a false democracy and trying to forcefully convince the rest of the world that our way is the only way. I even read one of my wine blogging buddies today pimping the idea that, in the name of free market, Europe should eliminate the strict legislation regarding the production of wines. Primarily this legislation says that the to place a quality control insignia on a label, the producer must use certain types of grapes, grown in the region, and processed by methods that prohibit pumping the wine with sugars or alcohol additives.

Why waste the time writing about this stuff. Who cares how the Administration sees economy? Well, I believe Joe Citizen is intelligent. Joe Citizen is capable of reasoning and together we can come to a reasonable solution. We can do this if we have sufficient and valid information. So while the President tells Americans to spend, spend, spend over the holiday season, perhaps heads of household would hold back a bit if they were provided information indicating that their jobs are in jeopardy, that prices are rising and that our government, sooner or later, will increase taxes or reduce services because of the $47 trillion and growing debt.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow my friend you see things very clear, we can not in all reality continue this spend till we bust attitude someone will have to pay the piper, and I am afraid it will be me and you.

The administration along with most of the media is nothing but smoke and mirrors, each one of us now owes close to $30,000 and that is the cold hard facts, this was a mess created by a reckless spending Congress coupled with a reckless president and with that combination we are bound to lose.

No matter the smoke and mirrors, you and I recognize that someone, uh I wonder who? Will have to pay for this mess, Joe Public will be kept in the dark concerning this blundering as long as possible, sometimes I wish I were like Joe Public and did not know these things, maybe it would not be a frightening?

Great post found you on blogadvance.

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Floyd. I just wish I could write things that would touch the minds of the people of our great nation. I would be happy if we could just discuss it without the politicians in the loop. We might actually find some solutions.

2:26 PM  

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