Monday, January 15, 2007

A Great Nation – Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

A government has no reason to exist except to execute the function of bringing the individual into a larger body increasing its collective power. Our leaders have forgotten this thinking that they, as politicians, have some role in history to play. That their position as politicians is, in itself, a vital function. Instead I propose that politicians must represent the people, not just with words but, with concrete actions. In this perverse view of society and government our politicians do and say things that they believe make them look important. Our government gets involved in things that it has no business getting involved in as outside influences corrupt our politicians. We see this on a daily basis, today the government is asking for bank records and the debate is, “Should the government have access to our private lives?”

The real question that we should be asking is, “Should a corporate entity be allowed to gather and maintain information regarding every aspect of who we are and what we do?” Europe guarantees privacy of its citizens with strict laws. Corporations that engage in this type of activity are dismembered and executive officers go to jail. This is merely an example of how our government talks about things that they think will distract Joe Citizen from revolting in the streets because our government does not act in the best interest of its citizens.

The characteristics of what it takes to create a great nation were established by our founding fathers as they discussed “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Our current representatives have chosen to ignore these basic concepts. I interpret life to mean that every citizen of the United States should have the same opportunity to life. Our greatest assets are not immigrants they are our youth! Every young American should have the same opportunity to develop his talents. This America is dead. The opportunity of our youth to even have the basic right of life depends on the amount of money his family has. How many great thinkers, artists, scientists are lost because just to survive their families must decide whether going to the doctor, or purchasing medicine, is more important than eating?

A nation that differentiates health care between “the haves and the haves not” cannot be considered great. It is deplorable that children do not have proper medical care in a country that can spend $2 billion a week to take down a dictator that treated his people poorly, or more importantly could have influenced the supply of Oil damaging corporate interests. If we want to be a great nation we need to give every child the opportunity to grow up strong. No credence should be given to any politician for any request until we can guarantee that every US citizen has access to health care. We should not be involved in wars, in trade agreements or international bodies requiring funding. We should not be using our military to do anything outside the US until we can guarantee that every child can be treated and has an opportunity to life.


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