Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Government – The Face of the People

It is said that government is the face of its people. I agree with this assertion. History teaches us that when a government is no longer representative of the people, or the values of the society become decadent the government falls. We have seen this with the Roman Empire, the French Revolution, and the end to the colonization era of the old world powers. A nation is nothing more than a big family. The government leaders are the parents and the people the children. This concept is supported by traditional phrases of Mother England and A King and his Subjects. A sovereign’s primary responsibility is to his subjects; a president’s primary responsibility is to the electorate. No matter what form of government takes, the analogy works.

In the series of what makes a nation great, there has been discussion about what parameters can be used. It is thought that this is an impossible study because the adjective great is subjective, merely a perception, something different for each individual. While I can agree that the perception of a great nation can be subjective there are certain characteristics that easily define what is not a great nation. By the same assumption any nation to be considered great must provide certain things. The degree of greatness can be discussed but the basic necessities must exist.

It is human tendency to believe that the success of something we feel we are a part of means that we are better than someone else. Sport is the best example of this. When YOUR TEAM wins the division, YOU ARE NUMBER ONE! In reality the fans have little or nothing to do with the success of a Sport Franchise other than to pay for tickets providing a return on investment to the owners of the team. When a team wins, our hopes are realized, we celebrate, sometimes we fight when others do not support the same team and sometimes people die. A nation is the same thing. We often blindly support our government because the government is, in reality, a sum of who we are.

This desire to feel good about ourselves, to hope, to believe we are better than everyone else inhibits us from looking at our country, its culture, the way of life. This is more true if we find ourselves in the upper echelons of society. If we did it, anyone can. We made it because we are willing to sacrifice more, we work harder, and we make greater sacrifices. Our success is only due to our drive to succeed.

For these reasons, the idea of examining our nation to see if we are great is ludicrous. Of course we are number one. Of course everyone in the world want to come here. Of course our way of government will be heralded and embraced by every nation in the world. Of course our way of doing business is the only way. Of course it is our responsibility to go to war and eliminate those who see things differently and may obstruct the expansion of our ideals.

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