Friday, February 23, 2007

Corporate America – Terminal Cancer silently killing us from within

Recently I have reduced the number of articles. The reason, our contemporary society is plagued by one primary ill, the dominance of Corporate America in US politics. The unjust utilization of the Department of Justice to reinforce free immigration policy, the hundreds of deaths from food poisoning propagated by industrial food suppliers, 3.5 million homeless Americans, 33% of the population considered “food insecure”, the destruction of the traditional family unit caused by job insecurity and the requirement for families to hold several jobs just to make it by, the decreasing value of education and lack of access to higher education by a growing number of Americans, and Americans dying because of insufficient health care. These are all symptoms of a government run by inanimate entities whose sole purpose is to make money. Business has no place in government.

While the rhetoric is high, please remember that the Democrats are no different than the Republicans. They are equally controlled by corporate America. The most recent example is that the chamber of commerce is writing the Democrat sponsored legislation for immigration amnesty and “border security”. Yes, the association representing corporate America is writing immigration policy for the Democrats. The same entities that are destroying America’s competitive advantage because of its addiction to cheap illegal labor are the Democrats fountain of inspiration for immigration.

The politicians continue to make all of the hoo haa about the war in Iraq in an attempt to make Mr. Bush pay for not considering how important they are. While they go off on personal rants, the US citizen is being raped again. If we want our nation to have the minimal chance of surviving we must remove this festering cancer from our government. No fight is more important, no fight more noble, and no fight more dangerous. Recent legislation has given the Federal Government greater leeway to declare Martial Law. Why would the Federal Government want an easier path to Martial Law? There is only one reason: the Federal Government intends to quell any attempts to give the country back to the citizens. They intend to use military force on the general population.

Impossible you say! President Grover Cleveland used the Secret Service in the Chicago massacre. His reason, to destroy the socialist movement. Hundreds of workers were shot in cold blood while they marched in the streets. Their slogan, “Eight hours for work, Eight hours for the family, Eight hours to sleep.” In most countries, except the US of course, this day is remembered as Labor Day on May 1.

Voicing your opinion about Corporate America is dangerous. The Federal Government will initially imprison you, as it did with the two border agents, and if that is not sufficient the Federal Government will declare martial law. You demonstrate against the government, you die! One great President said, “You have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” Today you must fear the Federal Government. We must act now. We must let our representatives know that we will not stand for this interference by Corporate America in our political process. We must take back our rights as citizens before we no longer have the rights to do it.


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Blogger Lexcen said...

The decline in living standards in America is disturbing. Every western country looks to America as the model to which they aspire. America has always been admired for it's freedoms, it's opportunities for individuals to succeed, for the affluent lifestyle of its citizens.
If the government has become the instrument of corporations, then the question has to be raised, what is the purpose of government? If the government is only looking after the interests of the corporate sector, then what went wrong? Well, the answer to that is obvious, the government has neglected its constituency with arrogance and indifference and embraced the corporations that can finance election campaigns and influence voting trends. In Australia for example, the media moguls control government policy and dictate against any decisions that might be unfavorable to their interests, in return, they look favorably on the government in the print media,radio and television. Every member of government is afraid to cross the Packers and the Murdochs of this world. As long as there is elected government there is always hope for the public to influence government policy. I'm not sure how you can motivate people in America where voting is voluntary. A charismatic leader who can campaign for the interests of the common folk without being influenced by corporations is something that seems to be against the odds. That is the nature of the beast, the political system that has allowed itself to become manipulated by money and influence of corporations.

12:36 AM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen You are right on point. It is a viscious circle with the citizen left more and more isolated from representation. My fear is that our society will go the way of those past, total disconnect between the people and its government with some type of resulting traumatic event to follow.

6:04 AM  

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