Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Border Patrol Agents – The real story – Governmental officials using their office to forward personal agenda

I am somewhat amazed at the “ho ha” regarding the conviction of our law enforcement personnel in Homeland Security for pursuing, shooting, failing to file a written report regarding the shooting of a foreign national smuggling drugs across the US – Mexico border and most importantly not accepting a guilty plea when it is clear that homeland security does not want our border patrol officers to enforce the law. The homeland, under our government’s distorted view of the world, stretches from the North Pole to the South Pole and spans the globe. These officials feel that our immigration policy is outdated and that Mexican citizens not only have the right to enter this country with drugs but are entitled to do so. These officials are: Christopher Sanchez, an investigator with the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General, gee I wonder where his family is from, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Debra Kanof, check out the photograph, I bet her ancestors are from Northern Europe.

The real problem is that these individuals in the department of homeland security have personal agendas. They think the law is wrong so they have instituted procedures making it impossible for border agents to do their job. Should some poor agent actually believe that he has a duty to protect his country and enforce the laws, stepping over these procedures then these people use their position of power to crush those who do not bow to their authority no matter what the law indicates.

Before everyone gets off on a, “you are a racist”, rant. Please note the obvious ancestral origins of Officer Jose Alonso Compean. American is not about where your ancestors are from or how long you have been in the US, it is about obeying and enforcing laws of the elected government. These officers fulfilled their duties, they are Americans, while the U.S. Attorney felt that her personal beliefs supercede the laws of this country. We must ask to what country she is loyal? Perhaps she is one of the Mexicans carrying the Mexican protesting in the Center of Dallas for her rights?

Where is the oversight of this rogue agency? Where is the investigation into an investigator of the Homeland security office who has closest enough ties to receive a phone call from the mother of a convicted drug smuggler, illegal alien?

If these are the people responsible to guarantee the protection of our borders and thwart terrorist activities we must simply thank god that the terrorists have not decided to attack again.

Politicians, this is the oversight we need. We all know about Iraq, it’s a bad story but common knowledge. Do your job, investigate the department of homeland security and these blatant infractions of US law.


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