Friday, November 17, 2006

Low Food Security – Food Insecurity

The government has just presented a new report about the health of the US economy. It turns out we are poorer than I imagined. The FDA says that there are two new problems with our country. They are those with Low Food Security and those of Food Insecurity. Translated it means these people cannot put enough food on the table to meet minimum FDA suggested requirements. In other words they are HUNGRY!

You think, “there have always been poor people, goodness get a job.”

Well, the report indicates that these are working families, not homeless. What is more important is that there are 35 million Americans, 12% of our population, who cannot buy enough food to meet minimum caloric requirements. Which means that there are more than 25% that are on the brink. If you think about government data like I do, that is they manipulate the data for their own political purposes, the situation is much worse.

While the Democratic Party is thinking that they were elected to impeach Bush or to hold hearings our country is going, day by day, down the tubes. I do not know how to accomplish this but we need to tell our Politicians, WE ARE POOR. We must accept this so that we can fix the problem. Americans are great because of our capability to take on tough problems, sacrifice and find solutions, but to take on the problem we must recognize it and come to grips that our nation’s equity has been squandered by 30 years of political collusion and self-interest. The United States cannot continue on this path. We need to shore up our economy, reduce our national debt and regain our liberty before we can think about helping anyone else.

Ok, stop, breathe.

With obesity on the rise, some politicians and corporate executives will say this is a good thing. It is a natural diet. I can hear the talk in the after dinner parlors, “Is there a way we can expand this Food Insecurity?” Perhaps Hunger and Obesity are two faces of the same problem. We no longer have local farms. Everything we consume travels through immense distribution centers, picked before it is ripe, salt and flavor added so that it does not taste like sawdust and sold at incredibly high prices. Why are the prices higher? It is simple, in our world of specialization every company must have a return on investment. That increases the price by 40%, for the investor class, for each step along the way. They farmers are squeezed and the consumer raped. It is reverse redistribution of income, from the working class to the investor class.

Others will say, “There is nothing we can do, it is the natural expression of global markets. You do not want us to be protectionists, do you?” Free Trade requires that all costs associated with products or services are part of the base cost of that product or service. Without this primary characteristic, there is no Free Trade, there is simply one side getting a raw deal. At a certain point, if the damaged party does not intervene the damaged party will go bankrupt.

WE THE PEOPLE must do what our politicians are unable to do. We must come together, stand unified, and force our government to take on the problems that are important. Forget the infighting, corrupt politicians and do your job!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

David,thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. America is drowning in food yet people can't afford to feed themselves. I would be interested to see the average breakdown of spending to know where the money is going and why there isn't enough left over to buy food. Are wages gobbled up by rent? mortgage? taxes? motor vehicle running costs? Education? Clothing? Heating costs?

12:47 PM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen The problem is rather simple although it could be looked at in great detail. The average wage has diminished continually over the last 30 years with the greatest depreciation in since the late 90s.

This has not inhibited inflation so those under the poverty level have slipped underneath and the those in the middleclass have become upper level poor.

Families are mortgaging their stability to send their kids to college and the wages have depressed so much that when accounting for the cost of University there is no longer a financial advantage to higher education.

The affordability index of housing is not too bad but disposible income is so small that there is no buffer when any other cost increases.

As in business, you can always attempt to cut costs but if your revenues are too low you can cut costs to the bone and will still go bankrupt.

This has been mitigated in most recent years by a bubble in housing but now that families have completely depleted their equity and housing prices have softened there is no where to turn.

It breaks my heart but that is where we are.

1:13 PM  

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