Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Gary Kasprov – The Other Russia

Maria Bartiromo of CNBC just finished an interview with Gary Kasprov, the famous chess champion. Mr. Kasprov is fighting for his Russia leading the opposition to Mr. Putin. It is widely understood that Mr. Kasprov and his political party risk their lives on a daily basis. What I found most interesting were the things Mr. Kasprov’s group, the Other Russia, are fighting against.

Apparently, 1/3 of the Russian citizens are not participating in the economic growth of the Russian economy. Could that be compared with 1/3 of the US population living under the level of poverty?

Political Corruption is not the problem it is the way of doing business. Could that be like lobbyist, corporate collusion and multimillion dollar financing of political campaigns by corporate America?

There is a widening gap between the very rich and the poor in Russia.

Most Russians do not feel that the government is representing their wishes instead the government is making the politicians and “cronies” richer.

Mr. Putin is sounding off in this period because his term ends in 1 ½ years. At the end of this term he cannot legally be re-elected without risking seizure of his wealth outside of Russia so he is trying to create a dynasty that will keep him in power after the elections. My goodness that sounds like the Kennedy family, the Bush family and the Clinton family.

As I listened to the references of KGB Inc. running the businesses I thought of the financial institutions and the fact that 10 funds own the majority of all shares combined on the US stock market.

Mr. Kasprov, would you be interested in US politics?

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Blogger Lexcen said...

Opposition to Putin can have serious repercussions. For example, Yukos magnate Mikhail Khodorkovsky is definitely hung,drawn and quartered (see link)http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=2849378&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312
which wouldn't be so sinister if not for the fact that other Russian millionaires are also being hounded by Putin (they also had aspirations of politically opposing him) and then the recent story of Alexander Litvinenko who got radiation poisoning.
Kasparov wouldn't want to join their ranks, would he?

4:38 PM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen He did express some concern and restraint explaining the delicate and dangerous situation his group faced.

What I found most interesting were the things he is fighting for. All were things that are widely accepted as normal here in the US. The difference is Putin is aggressive but if we look at our financial institutions they are just as aggressive in different ways. They will not kill you just make it impossible for you to make a living.

11:11 AM  

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