Monday, December 18, 2006

The World is one big happy family!

Our government has just sent a full scale high level delegation to China to discuss trade, international finance and, while not publicized, most likely China’s position as a primary holder of US debt. North Korea has come back to the forefront. Now that they are in the Nuclear club they want things from the US otherwise they will continue developing nuclear weapons. Obviously these things all translate to money, money and more money. Iran has quieted down a bit in the last week but most likely will jump back to the forefront with some nuclear threat of its own. Finally, Saudi Arabia informed the US that should the US pull out of Iraq the Saudi Government will provide support to the Sunni militants in Iraq.

These questions are discussed to nausea by the media, each taken individually as if they are different problems. The way I see the world instead says these are all symptoms of the same problem. The problem is that each country has there own interests while the US is attempting to create one big global market. The position of the US seems to be a noble objective and perhaps the first President to actually accomplish this will be remembered as a great President.

The problem is that our government seems to see the world through rose-colored glasses. Since each country will act in its own interest, they have little concern for a worldwide market. Additionally there is the perception that the US is rich and the other countries should get a piece of the American pie. This attitude is found in every aspect of international dealings. The Mexicans believe that the US should accept all of their poor and hungry. North Korea wants billions of dollars in aid and additional technology just to come to the table to talk about talking. China believes that they should be able to purchase US corporations without allowing the US to purchase China’s infrastructures. For the Chinese it is obvious. Why should they be excluded from purchasing US assets since everyone else can?

Perhaps it is time for the government to consider a change in policy. China does not see either Iran or Korea as a problem while they do see the US as a major threat to their economy feeling the necessity to threaten the US, during the most recent visit, not to do anything that they would perceive as protectionist. They also feel that the US does not understand China. Well, I agree. I do not understand China, I do not understand Iran, and I do not understand North Korea. China does understand these countries. Since our government feels that an intimate relationship with China is in our best interest how about we let China take care of these problems.

While many Americans are rich, many Americans are very poor. Many Americans are homeless even with a job and a college degree. Many Americans are scared to death to lose their health insurance and their jobs. We have serious problems here at home. We need to be concerned with the security of our borders before we think about Iraq’s borders. We do not need to be protectionist. We do need to act in our own best interest, just like everyone else in the world does.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

U.S. foreign policy. Now there's a subject that we can discuss for the next 100 years and still only scratch the surface.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen Discuss and probably never change much. If change will come I believe it will be a result of the devasted US economy. Then all will say, "How could we have known? These are unforeseen consequences."

Just the same, Merry Christmas!

1:40 PM  

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