Tuesday, May 01, 2007

International Labor Day and screwing the US citizen

Somehow it seems appropriate that national demonstrations would occur on May 1, International Labor Day. While this celebration is based on horrendous atrocities propagated by a former president of the US against the middle class workers, the rest of the world has adopted this day as an opportunity to express their desire for social change. Across the US illegal immigrants are protesting for their “rights” to be legalized through Amnesty since they were able to illegally enter the US without getting caught. It also seems appropriate that just as Grover Cleveland killed striking US workers in cold blood that this day would be used to kill the US worker by passing legislation to open up US borders to the floods of less fortunate from around the world.

In a time where the US economy is under performing the rest of the world our politicians want to guarantee an inexhaustible source of slave labor to corporate America. These same politicians and business leaders are proposing cutting or eliminating contractual benefits already paid for by the working American. They are also proposing cuts to healthcare for injured military personnel, otherwise we will have to raise taxes. We can subsidize corporate America, going to war to protect American interests (read business investments in unstable parts of the world), but we cannot raise taxes on the corporations to pay for the services they are receiving.

Screw the American worker, we can always replace him with an immigrant from another country! We should be demonstrating in the streets. Protesting against corrupt politicians. Protesting against collusion between Government and Business. This is our country. Today we vote and our vote needs to say that we will not allow these politicians to continue to go against the will of the American people. Vote against any politician supporting Amnesty. Vote against any politician not supporting securing our borders. Vote against any politician not actively working to free our border agents unjustly convicted for doing their job.

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Blogger Lexcen said...

You are right to encourage Americans to use their vote. It's the only weapon that exists against the arrogance of politicians.

1:57 AM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen I am a passivist even though it may seem different sometimes. My problem with voting is that the US system, while having many merits, is seriously lacking in its representation of the US citizen.

I am always concerned that the discontent will esclate directly from voting to violence. I much prefer demonstrations as an intermediate step. As a student of history, I notice that too many times the governing class has miscalculated the malcontent and the result has been violence.

9:55 AM  

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