Saturday, March 03, 2007

Signs of the times

This week ex Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that a recession was a possibility in the immediate future. Obviously this did not sit well with the Administration, or should I say with the Administration’s corporate buddies. By the end of the week every public official and his uncle, including Alan Greenspan, indicated that a recession was absolutely not in the cards. This week the stock exchanges experienced the worse declines in four years as mortgage companies are starting to die like flies in a cold winter storm. Consumer confidence is also declining as job cuts continue and real unemployment, the one that actually counts people that want to work but cannot find a job, is at historically high levels.

The other night I was talking with some friends. During the discussion, an eternal optimist indicated ironically “we should all cut our wrists and give up.” I am also an optimist and I understand exactly her point but my entrepreneurial background has also taught me that it is imperative to see problems, analyze them and take them on with full force. Just plugging along will always result in failure. We should not despair but looking at the world through rose-colored glasses may result in serious consequences. Our government wants us to think that they have the solutions and that they know the best path for the future. WE THE PEOPLE are too stupid to take on these problems.

We cannot allow our politicians to play this game. They are the ones who have taken us down this path in the first place. It is their greed that has sold our great nation to corporate America. It is their shortsighted view of the world that has destroyed our capability to produce even the minimum of what we consume in favor of a “service economy.” It is this group of selfish individuals who have taken our public debt to 47% of GDP. They have spent our future and given our equity to corporate America. They cannot be trusted to do anything. WE THE PEOPLE must take back our government. We need not despair, but we do need to understand and discuss the grave problems we face, without the political rhetoric.

Most importantly we must hold our government and our politicians responsible for the lies they tell us. We must find a way to permanently end their political career when they blatantly lie to us. The fact is that our economy is failing, our currency will continue to slide because we no longer produce goods, the money we have paid into Social Security has been spent by politicians to give tax breaks to corporate America, and you have “no expectation of privacy” as corporate America is involved in every aspect of your life.

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