Thursday, December 14, 2006

ICE executes illegal immigrant raids in 6 states

It is sad when we have to applaud when people are just doing their job. This week ICE, the federal agency responsible for enforcing immigration laws, rounded up over 13 hundred illegal immigrants working in six plants of one company. While I do applaud the government’s decision to actually enforce a federal immigration laws I have several questions.

Why did they have to act indicating Identity Theft? Is it not enough that these individuals have broken numerous laws coming into the country the way they did? My goodness, if normal citizens do not pay their taxes they have real serious problems. How about we all just stop paying taxes. We could then demonstrate in the streets with slogans of,

“We need tax reform!”
“We pay the taxes no one else wants to pay!”
“We are not criminal we are just undocumented taxpayers!”
“No one is illegal!”

Since we are the largest voting block today, not tomorrow, the politicians could support us indicating, “It is impossible to think that we could round up 300 million undocumented taxpayers, our economy would collapse!”

Is this just a token operation? I have been seeing about the swift corporation employing illegal immigrant workers on the local news station for over a year. The news reports would then interview the illegal immigrant to explain that these were dirty jobs that no American would ever do. We know that illegal immigrants are part of the workforce. I know of 12 just in the local Target, they only hire illegal immigrants for the night shift refusing anyone who speaks English. Walmart was convicted of setting up false corporations using Illegal immigrants for their cleaning operations, hiding behind the façade of, “It is a separate company, we have no control over whom they hire.” The company works only for Walmart, one contract, one client.

Please governmental enforcement arm of immigration policy, PROVE ME WRONG! Execute your job description.

To date the company has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Why not? Come on people, this is obvious. Until we take the employers to jail, including the CEO with his $35 million salary, we will not fix the problem. Where is the Eliot Spitzer of Illegal Immigration? Is there no prosecutor willing to enforce our laws? Take on Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Time Warner and all of these companies blatantly violating our immigration laws. No settlements, send those bad boys to jail. If we take on the CEOs we will not have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, rounding up and shipping home 23 million illegal immigrants. They will leave.

Their slogan will change from, “Today we work, tomorrow we vote!” to “Today no work, tomorrow we go home!


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