Monday, December 11, 2006

Congress passes laws reflecting their Constituent’s wishes

The 109th Congress finished its business last week. On their last day of business they passed legislation regarding which, true to form, showed who their real constituents are. Do you think they passed Minimum Wage legislation or Financed the Border Security Bill already passed but not funded? No, they had to pass legislation to extend tax cuts for the top ½ of 1 % of the population of the US!

I am impressed by the arrogance of our government and the politicians who represent us. They lie to us telling us they will act in one way and once they are elected they then think only of their pockets notwithstanding there are numerous voices calling for responsibility. We cannot even change them because the current two party system and corporate fundraising excludes those candidates who are qualified and represent Joe Citizen. So what shall we do?

The new Congress is already talking about doing things the representatives had indicated they would not do. Investigations into this and that, Amnesty for criminal aliens and an open border policy with a country that not only cannot secure its own borders but cannot control organized crime exploding on the US border. The US is their steam valve. Just let their poor immigrate to the US. The only US constituents this represents is again, Corporate America, attempting, and succeeding in driving down wages, making the rich, richer and the poor, poorer.

The US was born as a melting pot however this shortsighted immigration policy in a mature market has changed the melting pot to a pressure cooker. If the steam cannot be released there will be an explosion. What can we expect from this rosy future? We can expect the government to used the armed forces against the civil population as it has done in the past. Have we forgotten Grover Cleveland using the secret service to kill the striking workers of Chicago, or the students at Kent State under fire from the National Guard?

It is time for responsibility in government the corruption must end. How can we expect to be the beacon of peace and democracy when we cannot get our own government to represent Joe Citizen the voter?


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, maybe if Joe Citizen realized that they had the power of the vote, and more than 30 -50% of the population voted, then maybe the politicians would be more inclined to look after the ordinary person. I know it's a tall order and although in Australia we have compulsory voting, we only have two political parties, a choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lexcen I think the apathy is a result of frustration, not entirely but to a certain extent. I often speak with people who declare they do not vote because it does not matter. No matter who they vote for the new politician will fill his own pockets. I do not like the requirement to vote unless you can vote a blank ballot. Our politicians should watch this because it is the greatest indication that the people believe they are corrupt or idiots.

11:52 AM  

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