Friday, November 24, 2006

Read the Bill – Hope in the fight against the Cancer of Corruption

The most important problem in the US culture today, and the most insidious and difficult to eliminate, is collusion between Corporate America and Politicians. This position seems superficial and out of touch with reality. There are millions of Americans without health insurance, wages are dropping making slaves out of US workers, increasing international tensions are on the daily news, wars and rumors of wars are part of our daily lives so how can this be the most important question of the day.

All of these problems are serious and should be forefront in our minds but they are symptoms of a greater illness, a cancer that has spread into the daily life of every American. This cancer is corruption. It is our politicians taking money for campaigns, perk trips here and there, and vacations all paid for by big business. Why would corporate America, so concerned with margins and bottom line performance give so much money to politicians. The answer is as simple as the first thought that enters your mind, they are buying favorable legislation. Fighting increases in minimum wages, fighting against legislation that would end predatory lending and usury by financial institutions, fighting worker’s rights to organize labor unions, fighting against securing our borders to allow plentiful slave labor, buying cheap access the US military machine to protect their interests, fighting against progress in new energies, are all things that companies are willing to pay billions of dollars to maintain “business as usual”. These are the same things that result in the very problems that are the greatest ills of the American society.

This is not going to change, at least not without some extreme event. The US consumer, no longer the citizen, has been sold body and soul to the corporation. The cancerous cells of corporate interests permeate every aspect of our lives and our government. This cancer is so extended that we cannot eliminate this parasitic tumor without killing the patience. A sad prognosis, some will want to take the easy way out and live out their final days in ignorant bliss, shopping till they drop. Others will fight, every step of the way. Winded, tired and ridiculed they will fight to limit the damage, to win, to survive.

I recently found an initiative that I found extremely interesting. The information is found on Read the Bill. There is proposed legislation that would require that new legislation be published on the Internet for 72 hours before the bill could be open for discussion. I am not clear if all amendments would also have to be published 72 hours before a vote could be called. There are also all of the provisions included that exclude certain types of bills from this law. Most likely those bills would be just the ones we want the most. Think for a moment if the budget had to be published before going to vote, or let’s say increases in politician’s salaries, or say throwing away $2 billion on a virtual fence that would be much better accomplished with good old chain link.

It is a start. Please read what they have to say. Whether you agree with them or not I see no good reason why our political process should be so obscure when our private lives have been sold to the corporations. If the Supreme Court says that the individual, “has no expectation of privacy,” why is it different for the laws that influence our lives and the lives of future generations?


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Blogger Alfonso Cevola said...

are those smokers lungs?

7:51 AM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

IWG Sorry, I know you are suffering because you stopped smoking while other continued, but these are the lungs of collusion and corrupted practiced by corporate America and Politicians. Mesothelioma & Asbestos.

Just think how the insurance companies have taken us to the cleaners, you stop smoking and die of lung cancer from industrial polution in everything in your environment around you.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political corruption's really quite horrible these days. I've blogged about the pharmaceutical companies and their ties to politicians a few times, and how do you think WalMart has managed to get so much money to continue being the biggest corporation, not to mention the oil industry. It's almost too big to deal with...

10:02 AM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Dustin I think it all comes back to the same thing, as long as corporations control our political process things can only get worse for Joe Citizen.

Dustin writes an interesting blog, Odd Things.

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, I can't help but recall the classical economic texts like, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, which preach the concept self-interest as being the "invisible hand" that contributes to wealth and prosperity in an economy and the latest guru of the free market who is destined for sainthood, Milton Friedman. In this mode of thinking it is the big corporations that should be providing economic prosperity in their pursuit of the dollar. I've always been cynical when it came to the free market philosophy because (a) its a myth that never existed and (b) all the lip service to free markets given by governments cloaks the fact that every government of every nation interferes with the free market in the interests of lobby groups and corporations. Corruption is just another level of politics in action. If any government is true to their free market beliefs, then they would leave the economy to run itself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Free Market ideology, I just think that everyone who preaches it doesn't practice it. So, market forces must determine real wages for example but no corporation wants their business exposed to competition from Asian imports. These same corporations then close down their operations and move production to Asian countries to cut costs, move their financial base to some tax haven country like the Bahamas, avoid paying taxes, bribe politicians to pass legislation to protect their interests by restricting the free market,for example the Australian newspaper/TV moguls, and then preach the benefits of free trade. In Australia, the state governments have been selling off public assets like transport,electricity,water,gas to corporations. This is driven by the concept that private industry is more efficient than government owned enterprise. I have no problem with that. What I do object to is the secret contracts that guarantee the corporation a profit, by the government, for buying these enterprises. We have in Victoria a major road/tollway built and run by Trans Urban that is guaranteed an income by the state government. The railway system is broken up and sold to corporations and a built in profit margin is guaranteed - made up by government funds if the business isn't profitable. Power companies are sold off and there is no more investment in infrastructure for the future. I can see the state government buying back these utilities in twenty years as the corporations offload them as unprofitable.Meanwhile, retired politicians are given generous remunerations and executive positions in these corporations upon retirement from politics - and nobody can prove corruption.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lexcen your experience in economic matters shows in the depth and understand of the basic problem matter. Whether it be Adam Smith, or the Johnny Go Lately Friedman the concept of "Enlightened Self-Interest" must have the enlightened part. Without it we have just created a new form of highway robbers.

All economists, across all lines of theory, indicate that all economies fail under corruption.

Our economies have been damaged because of the superificial enactment of "Free Market" policies without allowing for the fact mankind is inately corrupt.

We as a whole are subject to the masses, the latest fad, and this shows up in the cyclical nature of things. First we go too far in one direction and then compensate moving too far to the other. I believe we are at the pinacle of corporate influence and as economies are destroyed we will start moving to the other side. Unfortunately we do not learn from our past.

6:49 AM  

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