Monday, November 13, 2006

Politicians, Stop the Collusion with Corporate America

The elections are over, the Democrats are celebrating and the Republicans are wallowing in their grief. The spin machine is running full blast each side talking about the why of the election. Neither side is openly admitting, or even worse have no clue, about the real reason the Democrats won and why they did not win by a wider margin. Their reasoning is simple, if they can convince poor Joe Citizen that the election was about the war they can continue “business as usual” in dear old Washington DC. The newly elected and re-elected alike have already been seen in the most exclusive restaurants and nightclubs in Washington being courted by the corporate lobbyist.

The new session has not even started and already these people are living it up at the expense of Joe Citizen’s rights. Yes, the lobbyists pay for the entertainment today, but we all know that kick-backs and payoffs always have counterpart of services to be rendered. Unfortunately, the only things these politicians have to exchange are Joe Citizen’s rights.

To the question why did the Democrats win? The answer is simple, Joe Citizen is poorer than he has been in 30 years and he is more concerned about the future both financially and militarily. No, it is not the war in Iraq instead the security of our nation. We are concerned about the conflict in Iraq, we all would like to see a positive outcome for all and have our troops come home but what really scares Joe Citizen is some type of weapon walked across the Mexican border. Anyone wishing to do harm could simply load it onto an elephant and walk it across the river just as the aspiring politician did a few weeks ago, being confronted after several hours, not by the border patrol. No, it was the department of Agriculture, they were concerned the elephant might have ticks.

Politicians, do not get comfortable, Joe Citizen is at the end of the rope. He will not go down without a fight! We need serious people to do a serious job and be assured Joe Citizen is watching.



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