Monday, February 25, 2008

California and New York want funds for their Illegal Immigrants

New York and California are feeling the negative effects of illegal immigration. California, for example, has just reduced its statewide spending by 10% and has announced that it will have to further reduce governmental expenditures to remain complaint with state law. New York’s governor, Eliot Spitzer, is talking about the same difficulties. Both states are sanctuary states favoring illegal immigration. Spitzer recently attempted to allow illegal immigrants to have driver’s licenses and, in fact, to vote in the elections. California has openly declared that it follows a sanctuary policy.

Over the weekend the two governors got together to encourage the Federal Government to invest in major infrastructure programs that they have drawn up. I agree that the Federal Government must stop investing in the rest of the world and start rebuilding the US. These funds must not go to states with immigration policies that thwart the Federal Government’s attempt to enforce our borders. More importantly, if the Federal government approves funds for these states they will, in fact, supply jobs to illegal immigrants or will be assigning projects to companies that use illegal immigrant slave labor.

The budgets of these states are severely stressed by the costs of illegal immigration. California and New York have decided that the Federal Government should subsidize their budget shortfalls instead of asking employers who benefit from illegal immigrant slave labor to pay the additional costs. It should be remembered, States with sanctuary policies are prohibited, by law, from receiving Federal funds. Congress, by dedicating funds to these states, is breaking the very laws they passed.

This will not stop Congress from pork projects in California and New York. The great dames of Congress, Hillary Clinton (Senator New York) and Nancy Pelosi (Representative California and Speaker of the House), will disregard legislation and pump billions of dollars into their local economies making the whole country pay their irresponsible amnesty policies. It will be interesting to see what Barack Obama (Senator of Illinois), another Sanctuary State, will do. He has stated that he will eliminate pork. I truly wonder if this is the case. I believe that our future President of the United States (whether it be Clinton or Obama) will violate Federal Law and dedicate funds to sanctuary states to cover budget deficits caused by illegal immigration.

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Blogger Lexcen said...

Just change the definition from "illegal immigrant" to economic refugee and the problem is solved.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Small Business USA said...

Lexcen Initially I thought "they could actually do that"! LOL. Then I remembered that a Refugee Visa of any kind is a 10 year process. Coming to America is not about compassion for the huddled masses. It is not about sharing the wealth, or being good people.

It is about making business more profitable.

If you are willing to be slave labor or work "on commission" then access is immediate.

If you might have some rights, say like minimum wage, then the game is not so easy

5:12 AM  

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