Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Congress Shows Contempt for US Citizens at State of the Union Speech

I love watching the State of the Union speech every year. It is the best scripted comedy show around. A copy of the speech is disturbed to attendees before the President arrives so they have time to figure out when they will hoot and holler and when they will stay seated with drawn faces. The commentators will then count the number of people, the number of times, and even the decibel level to determine whether or not the concept has support. I thought we already had a function that served that purpose, the congressional vote.

Last night I was amazed that the politicians, for the first time since I have been watching, truthfully showed their contempt for the American people. In closing the President told of how the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America came to express the forefather’s desire for a populous government. The original declaration contained the phrase, “We the delegates…”. The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America instead contains the words, “WE THE PEOPLE”.

The president paused after this statement. To his dismay the room was silent. Many our elected leaders were nodding off. Others had their long faces on. I could see their thoughts in their faces, “Why is this idiot reminding the people that they are America. Good grief we already have Lou Dobbs encouraging people to get involved. We cannot have the ignorant plebe actually getting involved in government!”

Let your elected representative know who he/she/it works for and who’s money they are spending to make themselves rich. I am going to send a message with the simple words “WE THE PEOPLE” to each one of my representatives. You can do this too very easily. Congress.Org has the email addresses of all Federal Elected Representatives (House and Senate). They also have an easy to use form that will get to your politician. Let them know that you know who owns America.

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