Defending the Culture of Corruption
The application of Reaganomics has changed America. Our infrastructures have been neglected and are falling apart. Production has been shipped to third world countries where regulations on child labor, noxious materials and working environment are inexistent or without enforcement. Costs associated with production facilities in unstable states are pushed onto the US state department and our military. It only seems appropriate that Hank and Ben suddenly realize that the fundamentals of the economy are not sound, requesting that the US taxpayer fund a $ 700 BILLION bailout of financial institutions.
Business and Washington are unified in their cries that “Main Street does not understand that this is to save them!” They propose purchasing bad financial products at higher than market prices so the banks will lend to Joe Worker. Right… Banks will lend according to their current risk parameters. That is the way banks work. Buying these “assets” will only make the US taxpayer responsible for bad investment decisions made by greedy Wall Street dudes.
There is a much darker aspect to this plan. US banks are not the major holders of these securities. With a blossoming trade imbalance US dollars are held in the TRILLIONS of dollars by China. Many US corporations are shutting US facilities and investing great sums in China to take advantage of lax regulations. Perhaps, one day last week, Hank received a phone call from his Chinese buddies indicating that they did not intend to lose money on these bad financial instruments and held the US government responsible for lack of financial regulation. Perhaps they also reminded Hank of the value of US investments currently in China.
As one life insurance company’s advertisement states, “Hank got the message.” Suddenly the administration’s presentation of the US economy went from “We are number one”, to “Armageddon is upon us!” It happened so fast, the Republican candidate for president, John McCain, stated, “the fundamentals of the economy are sound” on the same day that Hank and Ben were telling Congress that end of the US economy is nigh.
This BAILOUT WILL NOT FIX ANYTHING. It will increase public debt. The real problems are serious. The US can return to wealth and prosperity but we must recognize and cure the real problems, not the symptoms. FYI the real problems are that 72% of our economy is consumer spending. We no longer produce a reasonable portion of the goods we consume. We confuse smoke and mirrors services with real assets. We have expanding income inequality and finally our government is corrupt. Our politicians and business leaders are pillaging the equity of this nation for personal gain. Do not fall for the talking points. This BAILOUT IS NOT FOR MAINSTREET.
Business and Washington are unified in their cries that “Main Street does not understand that this is to save them!” They propose purchasing bad financial products at higher than market prices so the banks will lend to Joe Worker. Right… Banks will lend according to their current risk parameters. That is the way banks work. Buying these “assets” will only make the US taxpayer responsible for bad investment decisions made by greedy Wall Street dudes.
There is a much darker aspect to this plan. US banks are not the major holders of these securities. With a blossoming trade imbalance US dollars are held in the TRILLIONS of dollars by China. Many US corporations are shutting US facilities and investing great sums in China to take advantage of lax regulations. Perhaps, one day last week, Hank received a phone call from his Chinese buddies indicating that they did not intend to lose money on these bad financial instruments and held the US government responsible for lack of financial regulation. Perhaps they also reminded Hank of the value of US investments currently in China.
As one life insurance company’s advertisement states, “Hank got the message.” Suddenly the administration’s presentation of the US economy went from “We are number one”, to “Armageddon is upon us!” It happened so fast, the Republican candidate for president, John McCain, stated, “the fundamentals of the economy are sound” on the same day that Hank and Ben were telling Congress that end of the US economy is nigh.
This BAILOUT WILL NOT FIX ANYTHING. It will increase public debt. The real problems are serious. The US can return to wealth and prosperity but we must recognize and cure the real problems, not the symptoms. FYI the real problems are that 72% of our economy is consumer spending. We no longer produce a reasonable portion of the goods we consume. We confuse smoke and mirrors services with real assets. We have expanding income inequality and finally our government is corrupt. Our politicians and business leaders are pillaging the equity of this nation for personal gain. Do not fall for the talking points. This BAILOUT IS NOT FOR MAINSTREET.
Labels: China, Class Warfare, Corruption, Economy, Lying Politicians, Politics, Public Debt, US Poverty
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