Thursday, September 13, 2007

America under Siege – The ills of Collusion between Corporations and Government

US corporations have knowingly flooded the US market with unsafe products. The latest are Mattel and Disney. Their mega salaries are more important that your child’s life. Congress was outraged! They called hearings to bring to task these bad corporations. Humbly the leaders of Mattel and Disney testified that they had no clue that the Chinese did not follow the same safety procedures that a US manufacturer would employ. They used fancy charts to explain how they would do better in the future. It reminds me of the little boy who throws his sister down the stairs and when questioned by his parents he responds, “You say she’s an angel. I thought she could fly.”

The US dollar is tanking on its way to $ 1.50 against the Euro. A falling dollar is inflationary since our economy imports 72% of the goods it consumes and run a $ 1 trillion annual trade deficit. The dollar is falling because we are using our national equity to fund purchases, spending money like drunken sailors in some far away port. Inflation is high even though governmental data has decided to remove food and energy from their data points. Unemployment is estimated somewhere around 12% even though the government only counts people unemployed for 4 months then they simply disappear.

In this scenario, because greedy corporations have made bad loans corporate America has called for reduced interest rates and it seems that the FED will accommodate them. This is a really bad decision. First of all, companies should take their licking. They made bad business decisions. I have not seen the government offering to replenish citizens savings lost during the period of irrational exuberance. Most importantly the reducing the FED funds rate will make investments in US securities less attractive. This will further pressure the dollar in its downward death dive. Lower interest rates will make money more available for bad investments by companies looking for their million dollar bonuses. More money supply will create greater internal inflationary pressures.

I will not even talk about how US unions, since they have falling membership rates among Americans, are filing proceedings intended simply to stop ICE from enforcing immigration. Because corporations want cheap slave labor we have jailed agents who simply are doing their jobs.

We have gone to war to fight an invisible enemy. How about a war against real enemies? We say we do not have sufficient law enforcement personnel to take on illegal immigration but we have sufficient law enforcement to send 30 police cars from two cities to break into a private home during the 18th birthday party of a teenager. The house had about 20 dangerous criminals sitting around the living rooms chatting and drinking beer.

There is something wrong with our country when we think that someone is old enough to fight and die for their country but not old enough to have a beer. There is something even more wrong when we dedicate law enforcement personnel to enforcing religious legislation and we totally ignore criminals.


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