Monday, September 10, 2007

US-China Trade War is on – Are you ready to fight?

Have you heard? Not only does your government think that Americans lazy, unkempt and uneducated but China says that we complain too much. Endless recalls of products produced in China that violate US consumer protection laws have pissed off China’s government. In retaliation, China is slowing the flow through of goods. The US retailers are desperate! The very reasons why I have been suggesting that America needs to produce more of its goods locally are coming to pass. Ludicrous you say. China cannot afford not to export to the US.

Let’s look at this in a different light. During the bubonic plague there was a great change in the economic system and the powerful fell to poverty while the working man became the new lord. Before the plague there was too much labor and too little work. The plague reduced the labor force by about 30%. The rich dudes, much like our $100 million CEOs, who could not screw in a light bulb if their life depended on it, no longer could find slave labor to work their lands. They began selling their properties to buy food and those who actually produced something became the new landowners. In less than two decades the face of the economic world had changed.

We can see ourselves as the rich dudes. We only produce 18% of what we consume. Everything else is dependent on slave labor. This is why Corporate America and the traditional politicians all want amnesty. The Chinese are the poor laborers. A Trade War is the plague. The Chinese will do just fine. They may grow at a slower pace but the people without goods, services and food are the US citizens.

It is shameful for our government to talk about national security when it clearly does not give a rat’s ass about the security of our nation. We are in the weakest position we have ever been. We are simply hoping that somehow things will blow over. That everyone in the world will understand that it is in their best interest to make US corporations richer.

The war we should be fighting is not about capitalism. It is about survival. This is our Alamo. We must defend our nation from the real enemies not those that Corporate America says are our enemies. We must fight against outsourcing of the production of goods and services necessary to our survival. We must fight against open borders and amnesty for those who have broken the law. We must fight Collusion and Corruption between our politicians and Corporate America.

If we think that China, North Korea, and/or Iran are our enemies we must see Corporate America as their facilitators. Let these countries do what they will. We can resolve this problem by eliminating the power of the facilitators. Stop Corporate Lobbying now!


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