Thursday, September 06, 2007

Politicians Do Not Want to Bailout Financial Institutions?

I heard a comment this morning from one of the political experts, “A bailout of financial America by Congress places on Congress the role of choosing which companies win and which companies lose. The result is that while politicians will make some friends they will also make enemies. Politicians do not want corporate America’s CEOs as enemies.

On the surface these seems to be a reasonable comment. A moment’s thought should create rage in every US citizen. This statement expresses the general acceptance that politicians are corrupt and that the government will use our tax dollars to make friends or avoid enemies to their personal benefit. I thought I had come to peace with corruption, that I could no be disillusioned and that nothing could make me lose more faith in the US economy. I found that my principles, taught to me in my youth, even after 47 years on this earth are still too lofty. These politicians are not concerned with alienating their constituents. They are worried about powerful enemies.

I grew up in a religious family, where service to others and the common good were important. Public service was a good thing. Sure there are some bad apples but generally Americans are supposed to be charitable, basically honest, and hard working.

How have we fallen so far?

More importantly, how can we expect to have a bright future when corruption is not only rampant, but widely accepted?

We must change. Our children’s America will be very different from the copious wealth that we have enjoyed if we do not make changes. The two party system must go. We must eliminate al incumbent politicians, we must open our intellectual horizons, not our borders, and allow the best and the brightest to truly excel. Perhaps some of them will chose public service. Just think, a President who commands respect when he speaks. You may not like his ideas, you may not agree with his plans but someone who you know is acting with your best interest at heart.

Instead we have an actor whose persona on television is like that. We have the wife of a previous president. We have a financier who openly says that corporations are more important than the well being of WE THE PEOPLE. We have a candidate who thinks that the solution to America’s problems is unlimited slave labor and many others. All are variations of the themes of corruption. We need new blood. We need working men and women to represent us. I believe that the simplest of working Americans will do a better job in politics than our current political elite.


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