Hugo Chavez American Citizen’s best Friend?
It appears that Hugo Chavez is really American Citizen’s best friend. As preposterous as this may sound this became evident during Larry King’s interview with Vicente Fox. It seems that our President and Vincente Fox have put together a plan to create a country of the Americas. This was already coming to bear when Hugo Chavez stopped the entire thing with his nationalist agenda.
NAFTA was just the first step toward a union of the Americas similar to the European Union. The first step is the free transit of trucks (we already have that). The second is the elimination of borders, labor laws and finally a single currency. When asked why Americans would ever accept this type of union, Mr. Fox indicated that America is so in debt that continuing down this path will result in a complete devaluation of the dollar. Quoting Mr. Fox, “With America’s debt citizens will be begging for a stronger currency!”
This explains many things. It explains why Mexico’s Parliament lobbies Congress. It explains why the Mexican government has created political parties here in the US. It explains why Mexico can interfere in Texas Judicial system. It also explains why our politicians listen to them.
An Americas union may be something US citizens want. It should not be done in secret by corporate America. When the European Union started way back in the late 60s the entire program was put to national referendums. As each piece of the puzzle went ahead it had to be approved again by referendum. The countries we call stupid, lazy, commies wanted their citizens to approve what the government was doing. I call that a democracy. You know, a government by, of and for the people.
This must be what our President was saying when he said that Congress must show leadership. Translated, “who cares what the American citizen wants? Just do this thing!”
Reaganomics has brought our country to the brink of disaster with the loss of our freedom and those things that made America great. It is no longer possible to take on every attack. It is time that we shut down the government. We need time to see the truth and understand what all of the challenges are. I have never sustained a pulling out of IRAQ but the enemies we face here at home are so insidious that all of our attention must be hear in the homeland. Our “leaders” are out of control. They have forgotten who they work for. We must clean house. Get rid of everyone and start over. We must amend the constitution to give final authority on all major issues to the people. It will be a pain having a referendum with a series of questions every month but desperate situations require desperate solutions.
We must also thank Hugo Chavez for stopping our government before we even knew we had a problem.
Tags: Government Politics Recession Corporate America Finance Illegal Immigration Economy Reaganomics
NAFTA was just the first step toward a union of the Americas similar to the European Union. The first step is the free transit of trucks (we already have that). The second is the elimination of borders, labor laws and finally a single currency. When asked why Americans would ever accept this type of union, Mr. Fox indicated that America is so in debt that continuing down this path will result in a complete devaluation of the dollar. Quoting Mr. Fox, “With America’s debt citizens will be begging for a stronger currency!”
This explains many things. It explains why Mexico’s Parliament lobbies Congress. It explains why the Mexican government has created political parties here in the US. It explains why Mexico can interfere in Texas Judicial system. It also explains why our politicians listen to them.
An Americas union may be something US citizens want. It should not be done in secret by corporate America. When the European Union started way back in the late 60s the entire program was put to national referendums. As each piece of the puzzle went ahead it had to be approved again by referendum. The countries we call stupid, lazy, commies wanted their citizens to approve what the government was doing. I call that a democracy. You know, a government by, of and for the people.
This must be what our President was saying when he said that Congress must show leadership. Translated, “who cares what the American citizen wants? Just do this thing!”
Reaganomics has brought our country to the brink of disaster with the loss of our freedom and those things that made America great. It is no longer possible to take on every attack. It is time that we shut down the government. We need time to see the truth and understand what all of the challenges are. I have never sustained a pulling out of IRAQ but the enemies we face here at home are so insidious that all of our attention must be hear in the homeland. Our “leaders” are out of control. They have forgotten who they work for. We must clean house. Get rid of everyone and start over. We must amend the constitution to give final authority on all major issues to the people. It will be a pain having a referendum with a series of questions every month but desperate situations require desperate solutions.
We must also thank Hugo Chavez for stopping our government before we even knew we had a problem.
Tags: Government Politics Recession Corporate America Finance Illegal Immigration Economy Reaganomics
Labels: Border Security, Class Warfare, Corruption, Homeland Security, Trade Agreements, US Poverty
IMO, that is where it seems to be leading.
Ronnie Thanks for commenting. My problem is not with how the country wants to develop over time. I would like to see a world without borders where we all are one big happy family (old Startrek tendencies).
Said that, I believe that any decision regarding the future of the nation that changes the basic nature of the United States must be put to a vote of the American people. I do not like politicians snaking around, slithering in secret to create their idea of a future without telling you and me.
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